Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mommy's Helper!

You have toys all over the house in every room, but you still love playing in the cabinets with pots and pans! We fixed you a draw in the kitchen with plastic bowls and lids and you love to play with those, but lately have started getting into the cabinets! You are one busy girl!

Monday, October 24, 2011

A DaY with DaDdY!

We went to see Daddy at work today. He was picking cotton at Jim Preutts. He's been wanting you to come ride with him for a long time! You loved the tractor. You watched everything that was going on. Lauren and Cohen enjoyed visiting with you, too! I think you made Daddy's day by "helping" him pick cotton!

They were building a cotton module behind Daddy, and you were very interested in watching that and would not look at the camera!

Sweet Lauren!

Daddy's tractor was the most popular. We were all crammed in and enjoying the ride!